Wordless Wednesday: Holiday Balloons At Disneyland

Do you take your kids to the grocery store?

Question of the day:
Do you take your children to the grocery store?
This is a constant struggle with our family. We cannot and almost completely avoid taking Angry Toddler to the grocery store with us. It’s a complete pain and gives Angry Husband and myself, great anxiety. A fifteen minute trip into the store for one item, turns into forty-five minutes with that original item, a piece of candy, and some band-aids. My kid has a serious addiction to character band-aids.

Because of this, Angry Husband calls me on his way home every day. We have the usual conversation, “I’m on my way home, do we need anything from the store?” We live very close to the store and tend to shop European style, as in shopping for a particular meal, not for the week. We are lazy like that, and we constantly change our minds. We do keep snacks in the house, but we don’t plan meals in advance. Our schedules fluctuate so much and we never know if the entire family is going to be home at the same time.

I think my hate for the grocery store was programmed into me, early in life. My parents both work(ed) in the grocery industry and one of my first jobs was a courtesy clerk (bagger) at a grocery store. My mom was a checker and hated shopping, and we always heard the good ole’ saying, “she didn’t want to bring her work home, and get the hell out of dodge while you can”. I grew up eating out a lot, and having my mom shop “Euro Style” also.

You should see me when I’m in the grocery store. I wander around the isles, clueless. I just throw random things in the cart. I do shop with coupons, when I remember to bring them. Thankfully, Angry Husband does most of our shopping.

Recently, around Halloween time, I saw an entire family with two very small children (both under 3) shopping at the store. They were doing their “big” weekly shop, I could tell because the cart was full. The kids were running around like animals. Both parents were present. I kept thinking to myself, why doesn’t one parent just stay home with the kids? I just shook my head.

I thought I would tempt fate on Friday night. Angry Husband was working late, so I attempted to run some errands with Angry Toddler after preschool. We went to the bank (he drew his name on deposit slips), we went to a surf store (had to purchase some shirts for family pictures), and then…well the grocery store. Angry Toddler was being sooo good, I mean beyond normal good. He had a great time at the surf store, well maybe the pretty female employee who “watched” him for me, was a good start. And then it started.

I went to the pricey, very pretty grocery store. That store with the higher prices, but oh my gosh, it’s so beautiful, I want to eat off the floors displays… I asked Angry Toddler if he wanted snacks. He agreed and we put the specific things, that HE WANTED, in the cart. It was all about him. I even asked what he wanted for dinner. He told me spaghetti, which he pointed out the expensive service deli kind, fine. We then hit the produce department, oh the shiny beautiful polished exotic fruits and vegetables.

Yes, Angry Toddler started “molesting” the fruit. He is 4, I know.. He’s completely into textures and touching things, I get that. But seriously, he molested the fruit. He fondled the fruit. He walked around almost every fruit display and breathed on it, caressed it, and picked the fruit up. I got those looks. You know the snobby, I only shop at the expensive store, because I live in Orange County, and I can, looks. They saw the 4 year old boy, with his grubby little hands, the finger paint stained shirt, fondling the fruit. I did what any other Angry Mom would do, I grabbed him by the bicep with the “death grip” and pulled him away from the display. Well he spun around, got those eyes, the eyes of Satan, and ran. Oh and he ran…He ran like a parolee with a no bail warrant (got to give some laughs to my co-workers). He did not look back.

What did I do? I reacted. I yanked my purse out of the cart, and took off after him. Perhaps, I screamed several four-letter curse words during my chase. I finally caught up with him, and promptly marched him towards my car. I gave the lecture, “What the hell were you thinking? Why did you run?” I knew it was fruitless. He was done. I left the cart standing in the middle of the produce aisle, stranded.

Angry Husband was able to pick up some things on the way home. He then gave me the lecture when he got home. What was I thinking, taking him to the store? I knew better. He turns into an animal. Etc.. Etc…

The next morning, out of the blue. Angry Toddler comes up to me and says, “I’m sorry for running off at the grocery store. I will never ever do that again. I promise to be good. I will be good mama”. It was completely random. Angry Husband had left the house prior to that. Angry Toddler knew he was wrong.

But really, why do I torture myself at the grocery store?
And why, do other people do this to themselves too?

My Crazy, Birthday Saturday

I posted on Saturday about my love/hate of my birthday. I was in a pretty cranky mood Friday night. I knew that Saturday would be crazy so I had to do some prepping. Since I work weekends, it’s very hard to get the Angry Family all in one place at one time. Angry Husband promised me over two years ago, that we could take a family photo. Angry Husband hates photos, so we don’t have any family photos. Angry Toddler is four and a half. I think it’s time.

We met up with Jen Johnson, a fellow blogger, friend, and photographer. She is now the “Official Angry Julie Photographer”. She’s taken all my awesome profile photos for my blog. I had coordinated outfits for the photo shoot, that matched, but were no matchy-matchy. I decided against something seasonal since we might not get another family picture for a few years. Angry Toddler had mud all over his pants and shoes by the time it was all over. Jen took the photographs at this beautiful location in Orange County. It’s the same place that had the Pumpkin Patch that we visited in October.

After running around like crazy people, the Angry Family headed to a birthday party. Not my party, but one of Angry Toddler’s friends. His friend’s mom told us that it was a “dress up party” and that Angry Toddler should wear his Halloween costume, Jango Fett. I looked all over the house for that costume Saturday morning, and I could not find it. I should have known better, because it was in the rear cargo area of my Tahoe. Angry Toddler put on/removed that costume at least five times during the party. He is a sweaty kid. I knew all that bouncing around would make him hot. The big surprise at the birthday party was a “guest appearance” by Obi-Wan and Darth Vader. Seriously the kids went crazy. These guys were truly awesome. The kids all received light sabers and battled with Darth Vader.

I hung out in the background, took 200 or 300 photographs and talked with the other moms. Yea, we all decided, we are screwed. How can we top this? I mean Obi-Wan and Darth Vader don’t come to hang out every day? Angry Toddler was hilarious though. He came and whispered to me, “that is not the real Darth Vader. He is wearing a costume. Ok mama.” I can only imagine what he will say when it’s time for Santa this year.

After leaving the party and napping for umm, about 30 minutes, I headed to Disneyland with The BFF, Stacey. Stacey’s birthday was last week, and she didn’t get a chance to take advantage of her free birthday ticket. Since I’m a annual passholder, I used my birthday gift aka ticket to get her in. I was pretty excited because it was the second day of their Holiday decorations. Amazing, and we weren’t disappointed at all. Our first stop was the parade, we watched in amazement. We then headed to the “big kid” rides. Angry Husband had taken Angry Toddler to my mom’s house for the night. He wasn’t feeling well earlier, but he decided to make a detour and head to Disneyland. He enjoyed a few rides with us, fireworks, and Fantasmic.

Stacey jumped for joy, a tiny bit in the parking structure. She had realized how nice it was, to be going to Disneyland without a stroller, and kid. We love the kids, but sometimes, we “adults” need to have some fun at Disneyland too. It was fun to run around, careless, and not worry about whining and/or jackets, and/or hunger, and/or whining.

Yes, we had to get these beautiful headbands. We were festive like that. I have serious issues with flash pictures. My eyes also close, and Stacey, well she was bright eyed. Angry Husband took the photo for us.

As for the rest of the Disney photos…you will see them throughout the next two months in my Disney Wordless Wednesdays, and other posts. I took, umm, a few hundred or so.

I think I got over my birthday blues, once the sparkly headband made it onto my head!

Disney on Ice Worlds of Fantasy

Disney on Ice is coming to the Greater LA Area!

Disney on Ice presents Worlds of Fantasy: Rev up for non-stop fun with four of your favorite Disney stories at Disney On Ice presents Worlds of Fantasy. Thrill to high-speed stunts as Lightning McQueen, Mater and the crew of Disney/Pixar’s CARS race across the ice. Dive into The Little Mermaid’s enchanting undersea kingdom and experience the ‘Circle of Life’ with The Lion King. Then enter into the magical world of Pixie Hollow with Tinker Bell and all her fairy friends as they make their world premiere on ice! From wheels to waves, Pride Lands to pixie dust, your family’s favorite Disney moments come to life at Disney On Ice presents Worlds of Fantasy with dazzling skating, special effects and beloved characters certain to create a lifetime of memories. Special Bonus! Disney Princess

Pre-Show: Arrive up to one hour early to tour our dazzling display of gorgeous gowns. Complimentary to all ticket holders.

Did you know that you can get a Family 4-Pack of tickets for $44? For Monday-Friday matinee shows, if you use the code MOM on Ticketmaster, you can buy 4 tickets for $44. Additional tickets are only $11 for those days, and you also receive $4 off if you purchase tickets for the weekend with this code.

Los Angeles
December 17: 7:30pm
December 18: 11:00am, 7:30pm
December 19: 12:00pm, 3:30pm, 7:30pm
December 20: 12:00pm, 3:30pm, 7:30pm


December 22: 7:30pm
December 23: 1:00pm, 7:30pm
December 24: 1:00pm, 4:30pm
December 25: 4:30pm
December 26: 12:00pm, 3:30pm, 7:30pm
December 27: 12:00pm, 3:30pm, 7:30pm

December 30: 7:30pm
December 31: 1:00pm, 4:30pm
January 1: 3:30pm, 7:30pm
January 2: 12:00pm, 3:30pm, 7:30pm
January 3: 11:00am, 3:00pm

Long Beach
January 6: 7:30pm
January 7: 7:30pm
January 8: 11:00am, 7:30pm
January 9: 12:00pm, 3:30pm, 7:30pm
January 10: 12:00pm, 3:30pm, 7:30pm

This information was provided by MomCentral and the Feld Family Activator Program.


Today is my 34th Birthday. My mom was due on Halloween. I think Halloween would have been a much cooler day for a birthday. Can you imagine all the costume parties, I could have had? But none the less, two weeks after Halloween.

I write about this every year, but I get the Birthday Blues. Some people tell me that it’s because I have a child now, but this happened BC (Before Child) too. I think my Type-A personality has something to do with it, and expectations.

So I will spend the day devoted to my usual activities…family photographs, taking my son to a birthday party, and then maybe I can head over to Disneyland with my BFF, Stacey.

Closet Makeover Part #2

This is part two of my current home makeover project. I posted a before picture on November 4th. It’s a work in progress. Stacey, The BFF, came over two weeks ago and helped me paint the closet. Well actually, she painted and I sat on a step stool watching her. I did buy her a tasty lunch from Chili’s. That’s gotta count for something, right?

The closet is almost finished. I need to add a few more things. Angry Husband is sooo over this makeover. I have so many more projects in my head, I can’t wait!

Oh, and the painting, yea my asthma is bad with paint. Paint and Christmas trees are my enemies!

I Need More Soap

I need more soap is what he screamed from the bathroom. He said that the shower was very dirty and that he needed to clean it. He used an entire bottle of body wash. But I really don’t care, because in the end…I had a clean kid, and a clean shower.

My Parents Obsession with Clean Cars

My parents have this “thing” with clean cars. They obsess over it. It is pretty annoying. My dad spends all weekend long “detailing” and washing cars. I’m that person who pays $20 once a month or so to get my car washed. I just don’t have the time.

My mom will literally not drive her car if it is raining. She’s will say, “It was just cleaned, I don’t want to get it all messed up”. This is the story of my life. Well, I’m quite busy. I don’t have the free time to spend 2-3 hours washing and detailing my car. It would take at least an hour to vacuum all the goodies that Angry Toddler leaves in his carseat, yuck!!

Well last weekend, I parked under a very nasty tree at work. It’s an olive tree, but evil birds like to sit it in. My car was ATTACKED! It looked like something puked all over my car. I saw olives and bird poop all over it when I came out of work that day. It looked like that olives fell from the tree, the bird had eaten olives and spit them all over my car, and the birds pooped out olives. I went straight home after work, and didn’t wash it off. Once again, busy working mom.

Well the next day, my mom drove by my work. YES, she does that. She lives 5 minutes away. She completely lost her mind. She was shrieking about my car. Like I didn’t know about it. I got off work at 5 the night before, picked up Angry Toddler from preschool, and went home. I think relaxation and sleep is a priority after working 10+ hours. I think she called me at least 5 more times throughout the day, bitching about my car, and “what people will think of me”.

I got my car washed that night. Angry Toddler had some spare change, ok like $6 in his pocket. We went through the drive-thru carwash at the local gas station. I kid you not, at 8:05 the next morning, my mom started calling me AGAIN. She asked, did you get your car washed, do you need me to take it to the carwash, does daddy need to detail it?

Woman!!! The car got washed. Relax!!!

Grab My Button

Angry Julie Monday


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